Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Glee The 3D Concert Movie (Motion Picture Soundtrack)

For a very long time I've racked my brain over why exactly this phenomenon is appealing to anyone. The TV show I can sort of understand. It's like Degrassi. It's a guilty-pleasure, teen, melo-drama. Dawson's Creek type crap. I get it. It's a moneymaker.

However, I don't understand why anyone would waste money paying for a soundtrack which consists entirely of very similar-sounding covers. They're not even good covers. Yes, these people hit all the notes, with or without the help of auto-tune (not gonna go there) but they're all done in the same shrill, teeny-bopper, timbre and register.

Cover albums don't normally sell well unless they're done by a variety of artists. Take for example Peter Gabriel's "Scratch my Back". People begin to say, "Ok, great. Now when does the original material start?" At least that was my reaction.

Anyway, Glee clubs have never impressed me. I remember even in high school I would say to myself (never out loud for fear of being labeled as anti-arts or something lame like that) why would anyone join choir and sing covers when you could go home and write something original, something that requires independent thinking. Yes covers take a degree of technical skill but if your voice sounds like your average, American Idol, dime-a-dozen, diva's then it's not going to be interesting. And that's what glee clubs encourage: conformity.

I know this is more of a rant than a review but after making my point I will say that this soundtrack did nothing to change my opinion. It's bland. Bland. Bland. It's Kidz Bop for adults.

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