Thursday, February 11, 2010

45 Record Review no. 1: The Doors- Gloria

This won't be a long review but I picked up an interesting 45 yesterday. It's a Doors cover of Gloria, by Van Morrison and Them, a cover I didn't even know they did. I picked it up for about five dollars and it says it's a promotional copy not for commercial sale, which makes it a pretty cool collectors item for someone like me who really loves the Doors.

There's no B-side but it's a pretty good cover that integrates classic Doors sound of keyboards and thumping bass with Jim's ad hoc interjections of regular speaking among the singing. I think that even people who hate the doors with a passion will admit that this isn't a bad cover and that the original song certainly ain't bad. I add this last part because I always try to judge covers, even the kind I'm unabashedly fond of, for people who might not be huge fans of the artist or new listeners. If it has appeal to people who don't even identify too much with the artist then chances are, it's a great cover.

Check it out:

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